Business tools

Gift bag, size S

Gift bag, size S

Less is more! This small gift bag can easily hold not only elegant gifts but also your warmest and most sincere feelings. S means Smile!

What can be inside? Make-up, face and hair care products, and lots of love. Ho-ho-ho, the time for gifts is coming. Make a gift of care!

Size: 160*210*75mm (W*H*D)

Made in Russia

*Bag handles can be yellow or black ribbon.

85 сом
!Can be paid with the Gift account
!Out of stock

Branded gift bag with the company logo will make your gift special, making it stand out from the crowd. It is a perfect way to package your gifts — make-up or skin, hair or body care products.

Paper, petersham ribbon.

Use as a package for gifts

Product feedback Gift bag, size S